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How to Accept or Ignore multiple friend request at a time on facebook

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PostXflint Tue 10 May 2016, 10:44 pm

There are times when you receive multiple friend request and all you do is sit and start clicking on the Confirm button for each person. But with this article, you would be able automatically accept or confirm all requests at just one click (at a time). Here are the steps.
– Visit this link www.vern.com/mwtools, scroll down the page untill you see a yellow button with ConfirmAll written on it. Click, then and drop it in your bookmarks, directly below your address bar. Now login to your facebook account, then click on the friend request area and then click on the bookmark. Select the maximum number of freiends you want to add and put in 0 as time, now click on start, and all your friends would be accepted. You can like my page on facebook HERR for more updates. Please remember to share or like this post if it was of help.

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