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Lessons We Learnt From 2016 US Presidental Elections: Trump's Victory - By Bukatyne

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PostForumfather Fri 11 Nov 2016, 9:58 pm

The world was shocked when Donald Trump 'hilariously trumped' Hillary Clinton and there was definitely several lessons to be learnt. Personally, I learnt:

1. Never Say Never: Donald graduated from a man with no political experience to become the POTUS....

2. The Social Media is powerful yet not as powerful as it seems: Going by the SM polls and atmosphere, one would have thought Hillary would win by a landslide however...

3. Discern the people that matter: Hillary was canvassing to the Blacks and Latinos (most of whom probably were not eligible to vote); Donald went to the core voters... The white men. Also, American's electoral voting system means some states are weightier than others. Imagine jacking all day for a 2units course and leaving your 6unit project to chance.

4. Strike the people that matter in the right place: Trump hit the white men/women where they wanted... Blacks are too much in their country and they wanted them out etc. His political incorrectness interestingly worked for him

5. You don't have to be good to be liked/wanted: Donald Trump 8)/ He did not have to be like 'Gentleman Obama' to get same results.

6. Turn your lemons to lemonade: With all the negative press, Donald's campaign team managed and rode on the negatives to success

7. People do not always mean what they say/ say what they mean: Who would have thought Trump would have any supporter/ vote with all the 'he is anti-woman/anti-g4y/anti-black/anti-(fill in the gap)'? Who would have believed that the same women/Black/Latinos would vote for him more than Hillary? According to Huffington post, majority of the women, blacks & Latinos voted Trump.

8. No knowledge is 'lost': Donald did not have the experience/knowlegde of politricks however he is a successful business man and he brought his business sense to the campaign/ movement. He fitted his gift into the suitation and utilized it well.

This also confirmed that beneath the façade of liberalism and modern-feminism, Americans are a very conservative and traditional lot.

What did you learn?

*modified to include point 8

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