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Top 27 Bad Foods that Affects the Brain

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PostZenith Sun 16 Mar 2014, 8:32 pm

Bad Brain Foods
Somehow we think that what we are eating are mostly healthy but with this list you won’t think the same way. It’s just shocking that some food that e thought good are actually bad for our brain.

We should all realize that brain is probably one of the most important part of our body that directs all our activities. As it is crucial that we know what to feed our mind for its attainment of better brain power, it is also essential that we know what we have to avoid. These are the foods that potentially damage ou brain cells and eventually kills them. I guess we all know for sure that illicit drugs and all alcoholic beverages are one of these “bad” brain foods. Here’s a list of some bad brain foods: AVOID these foods or else…

1. alcohol beverage
2. artificial flavoring
3. artificial food coloring
4. artificial sweetener
5. cereal bar
6. cheetos
7. chicharrones
8. corn syrup
9. doughnuts
10. energy drinks
11. falafel
12. frosting
13. gyros
14. gyozas
15. high greasy foods
16. high-sugar beverages
17. hydrogenated fats
18. jellybeans
19. junk sugars
20. marshmallows
21. nicotine
22. processed food
23. rice cakes
24. sodas (diet and regular)
25. Twinkies
26. white bread
27. White rolls.

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