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Motions Along a Straight Line:

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My Club My Club : Real Madrid
Posts : 98 Posts Liked : 83

PostGeaty Sun 16 Mar 2014, 9:43 pm

The equations of motion for an object moving along a straight line with uniform acceleration are;
V = u + at 1.6
S = ut + ½ at2 1.7
V2 = u2 + 2as 1.8
Here u is the initial velocity, v, the final velocity, s the distance traveled in time (t) and a, the uniform acceleration of the moving object.
In the case of falling objects, the acceleration is caused by the force of gravity acting on the objects. Any object on the surface of the earth falls with the same acceleration g, the acceleration due to gravity. For a falling object, the above equations may be written as;
V = u + gt
S = ut + ½ gt2
V2 = u2 + 2gs
The value of g varies slightly from place to place on the surface of the earth. On the surface of the moon, the value of g is only about one- sixth as that on the surface of the earth.
A simple pendulum may be used to calculate the value of g at any place. The period of oscillation, T of a simple pendulum is given by; T = 2٨ √gL 1.9
Where L is the length of the Pendulum. The above equation may be used to calculate the value of g, as follows,

T = 2 ۸√L/g
T2 = 4π2 L/g
T2 g = 4π2 L
:. g = 4π2 L 1.10

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