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How to Borrow Airtime in MTN Nigeria

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PostDeswimmer Sat 03 May 2014, 10:00 am

Borrow Credit in MTN is called MtN's XtraTime, it allow you to borrow airtime in Mtn.

Many have been saying they requested and it was unsuccessful and they have felt aggressive and negative with the new product offered by MTN without acctually knowing why it was unsuccessful.

Before your account will be successful to use the new product here are things you need to know.

1. You must used at least N500 in total in a monthe to allow you use the product next month

2. You Mtn's Xtratime account must always be active which mean that you must be using at least N500 monthly to continue to use the service.

3. To access the service, dial *606# and use the displayed menu to check eligibility, request the airtime, check balance or see
your Xtratime transaction history.

The service attracts a 10% charge,
meaning you only get 90% of what you are requesting for and can only be used again after the initial credit is paid up.

When you have borrowed the airtime you it show negative value on your balance, Example: if you have borrowed N100, it then show -90 in your account and it will be deducted immediately you top up your account next time.

Benefits of Service:

1. Makes access to airtime possible, anytime and anywhere

2. Ability to address emergency; customer is given opportunity to have access to airtime at awkward times, thus staying connected.

3. Ability to keep in touch with family, friends and loved ones at any time.

4. Convenience and ease of airtime purchase

5. Gives a sense of security at all times.
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Post2go Sat 03 May 2014, 1:31 pm

I will not make use of this service

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