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A must-have timetable for those, who want to learn how to wake up more easily

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Lv3: Senior Member
Lv3: Senior Member
Posts : 140 Posts Liked : 17

Postyungcrae Fri 04 Nov 2016, 6:37 pm

A must-have timetable for those, who want to learn how to wake up more easily Wake-up-768x405

Everyone surely knows that feeling, when a dammed alarm clock wakes you up in the middle of the sweetest dream. And at that moment you completely forget, who or where you are, and the the whole day seems to be broken. But hopefully, there is way to wake up much more easily in the morning.

It’s a well-known fact that a person constantly changes phases during sleep. There are two main stages in sleep: deep and REM. A good night sleep always consists of 5-6 complete cycles. Scientists have discovered the duration of each of the cycles, which allowed them to determine the length of time, when the body will remain in REM sleep. This is exactly the easiest time to wake up.
A person usually falls asleep in 15 minutes. Thus, if you have to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning, you should preferably go to sleep at 20:45 or 22:15. This great timetable will help you to determine, what is the best time to go to bed, in order to wake up easily at the desired time.

A must-have timetable for those, who want to learn how to wake up more easily Wake-up-time-table-300x150

Source: http://nignews.com.ng/a-must-have-timetable-for-those-who-want-to-learn-how-to-wake-up-more-easily/

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