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Converting Windows software for mac?

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Lv0: Stranger
Lv0: Stranger
Gender Gender : Female
State : London
Posts : 3 Posts Liked : 1

Postwolfscry Mon 30 Jan 2017, 1:55 pm

I'm in a bit of a jam here because I have to hand in my science assignment next week and I still haven't conducted my experiment (thermal analysis of security glass).

I'm sitting in the lab rn and I have no idea how to connect this dilatometer thing to my macbook. The software specification on their website (https://www.linseis.com/en/our-products/dilatometer/l75-pt-horizontal/ here for anyone who wants to check) says that it only works on Windows. But I reallyyy have to conduct this experiment this week or I'll fail this class. Is there any way to get the software on my mac?? 

I knoow, I'm an e.diot for owning a mac anyway, so can we skip that and just help me?

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