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My Club My Club : Real Madrid
Posts : 98 Posts Liked : 83

PostGeaty Sun 16 Mar 2014, 9:43 pm

The ability of an object is to regain its original shape after being deformed by an external force called elasticity. Example, when a steel wire is stretched by the application of an external force, its length increases. When the stretching force is removed, the wire regains its original length. But if the wire is stretched too much, it may lose its ability to regain its original length. When this happens, we say that the wire has crossed its elastic limit.

Hooks law states that within elastic limit, the increase in length is proportional to the stretching force.

A stretched or compressed spring regains its original state when deforming force is removed. This is because of the elastic properties of the spring. The tire of car deforms when it goes onto a bump suddenly, but soon regains its original shape because the tire and the air inside it is both elastic

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