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Correction to some mistakes in life

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PostWebtech Tue 15 Jan 2019, 9:44 am

Sorry I have to drop this early before the days activity take it away from me. 
I don't take it lightly whenever I see a post trying to mislead people. I get angry in my spirit and correct it.
I woke up this morning to a post where a lady made 2 days ago of how she met a man in November and by December, the bride price was completely paid and they married. She went further to say that only prayer helped her to achieve it since she didn't know the guy before. 
She went ahead to advice ladies not to let boyfriend deny them their husbands bla bla bla.. And people where congratulating and clapping for her. 
There are somethings I will hear, I will not be in a hurry to condemn people who say religion has made people loose their sense of reasoning. 
Hello ma, religion is not a call for iberibe, prayer is not a replacement for common sense. 
You pray and work!.. If only prayer is required, why didn't the priests and pastors replace marriage course with prayer??? 
Yes long relationship is not good most times but you must not have a boyfriend as a lady. Take that time to prepare yourself, have something doing, develop yourself and the right suitor will come.introduce him to people that matters, court him for at least 3months before proceeding to marriage. 
There's more to marriage than people think. Life is spiritual, know the foundation of the person you are settling down with. Solve every spiritual issue before saying I do. Anything you don't correct before saying 'I do ' will remain like that. 
Don't do yourself the dishonour of skipping the important things because you think age is not on your side or because you think another woman will snatch him. You may repeat the class you skipped later and may be in an unfavorable circumstances of hiding identity to seek advice..
Serving and having faith in God is not a licence for foolishness. 
Wisdom is profitable to direct.

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