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Basketmouth's Security Guard Arrested For Fleeing During Robbery Attack

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PostDeyongs Thu 08 Sep 2016, 9:11 pm

Basketmouth's Security Guard Arrested For Fleeing During Robbery Attack  4213059_20160908190915_jpeg1b0a04956276f23ab50ce770451ccd55

Police in Lagos yesterday arrested and detained a security man guarding the home of the ace comedian, Bright Okpocha, otherwise known as Basketmouth.

Robbers had in the early hours of the day stormed Basketmouth’s house at Lekki area of Lagos. The bandits were said to have collected his phones, two I-pads, shoes, jewellery and bags.

They also removed the CCTV while going. He was robbed barely one hour after he returned from the club. It was gathered that his security guard bolted after he realised that bandits had invaded their home.

A police source said: “He came home about 1:30a.m. and by 2:15a.m., the robbers came. It appeared his home has a central door. He left the door open for his security guard to carry out one or two duties.

It was through that door they came into his home.” But the security guard was arrested because he fled and did not alert the residents or the police.

Attempts to get Basketmouth were abortive as his phone was switched off.

The police source, however, said Basketmouth has asked the police to release the security guard because he and his wife trusted the man. It was learnt that police reached Basketmouth’s home about five minutes after they were alerted.

“But the robbers had long gone before we were alerted. When asked why Basketmouth did not call police earlier, he said he did not want a shootout.”

His friend, another ace comedian, Bovi Ugboma popularly called Bovi, however, blew the story open on his Instagram. According to Bovi, Basketmouth and family were robbed at their home, but are safe and unhurt.

Bovi said that his friend was robbed between the hours of 2a.m. and 4a.m. He added that the robbery was reported at the nearest police station. The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Dolapo Badmus, confirmed the incident. She added: “The Commissioner of Police has directed that the case be transferred for further investigations.”

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