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30 Deadliest Earthquakes Since 1900

Info Professor | Published on the thu 08 Feb 2024, 10:04 pm | 62 Views

40 DEADLIEST EARTHQUAKES MAGNITUDE THAT CLAIMED MANY LIVES SINCE 1900 TO 2024  ‪@reigarw‬​ ‪@WorldData_3D‬​ ‪@TrendingRankings‬​

Discover the devastating power of nature in this compelling video showcasing the 40 deadliest earthquakes from 1900. With magnitudes that shook entire regions, these earthquakes claimed thousands of lives and left cities in ruins. From the catastrophic 1906 San Francisco earthquake to the more recent 2023 Turkey-Syria tremors, we explore the human toll, destruction, and seismic data behind each disaster. Watch to learn about the science behind earthquakes and the resilience of communities in the face of unimaginable destruction.

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