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Constitution and Meaning of Constitution

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PostEllaspecial Tue 08 Nov 2016, 1:27 pm

In an attempt to evolve a system that will best protect them and their interests, people have had to grapple with the problem of setting up rules that will govern the relationship among the people. This also include how leaders should be evolved from among the people and what should be the relationship between the leaders and the people and how the leaders should govern the people.

Since the advent of government and infact social relationship, people have tried to seek out ways to live together in harmony, social relationship has improved and people have found the basis of unity and community if nothing, to protect their interest to group themselves together for mutual benefits. Since
every social interaction must not be devoid of conflicts, there is then the need to resolve conflicts. In this regard, for every human union to thrive there must be rules of the union. The rules are always embodied in a constitution.

A constitution may be defined" as a body of principles, which specifies the operation of a government. It determines how the state is governed. The Oxford advanced learners dictionary defines a constitution as a system of government, laws and principles according to which a state is governed. A constitution also defines the structure and form of government. It also allocates functions to the various arms of government and regulate the operation of these arm of government. It also allocates function to the various arms of government and regulate the operation of these arms. It also enshrines the rights, duties and obligations of citizens while providing safeguards to these rights ..

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