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Multiplying two digit numbers (less than 100 and greater or equal to 80) easier

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PostEngr_Joseph Sat 10 Dec 2016, 9:25 am

Making multiplication easier:
*Multiplying two digit numbers (less than 100 and greater or equal to 80) with each other:

Example:- 95 x 97 

1) Find the difference of each number from 100: 
95 x 97
5 3

2) Cross Subtract the difference 
(95-3)=(97-5)=92 => This is the first part of the answer

3) Multiply the differences
5 x 3 = 15 => This is the last part of the answer

THUS, 95 x 97 = 9215

*Multiplying three digit numbers 
(greater than 100 and less than or equal to 120) with each other: 
Example:- 107 x 104

Steps: 1) Find the difference of each number from 100: 
107 x 104 
7 4 

2) Cross add the difference 
(107+4)=(104+7)=111 => This is the first part of the answer

3) Multiply the differences: 
7x4=28 => This is the last part of the answer

107x104= 11128

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