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The Real Reason Why There are So Many Jobless Graduates In Nigeria

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PostParadise Sun 23 May 2021, 12:23 am

The Real Reason Why There are So Many Jobless Graduates In Nigeria 18785210

Academic education in Nigeria forces people to think only in linear, positive-only direction.
Eg. Just because someone did 6 years training in school as a doctor in his 20s, he cant venture into any other business.
He is willing to live within the scope of what that 6 years presents for the rest of his life.
Then he cant just figure out why he is not rich.
What of that engineer who is unable to venture into health related enterprises, just because he was trained as an engineer.
Another example of linear thinking is:
1. Its the duty of the government to provide jobs. If there are no jobs, there is nothing I can do really.
2. Just like I cant copy answer from people during school exams, in real life, I cant copy success formulas from people. I have to wait until I get my own inspiration.
3. I cant learn from someone I am older than, they are supposed to be in the class below me.
4. There are constituted authorities and a certain way in which things must work out. If it doesn't, then nothing I can do. I am not allowed to innovate.
5. No need to delve into learning anything outside my field. Life is partitioned into departments and faculties.
6. If I don't see a lot of people in my class, doing exactly what I am doing, then I am in the wrong class.
Look around the Nigerian society today, almost 100% of adults that are jobless are graduates. All the unschooled adults have something doing that brings in income to them.

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