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Honey Helps to Strengthen Male Sperm

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PostNiceDoctor Sun 06 Apr 2014, 11:09 pm

Honey Helps to Strengthen Male Sperm

Have you ever considered using honey to strengthen your sperm for fertility? Oh! Off course not... It sound very strange to you. That is how it sounded to me too at first but it is really true.

Men with low sperm count and damaged sperm with the help of honey you can help strengthen the quality of the semen and taking orange which is rich in vitamin C helps heal and repair the damaged sperm.

Best ways to help in quality of semen in men is abstaining from s*x for a while. You may say hahaha Naughty Doctor is saying bullshit. Yes! I mean my words abstain from s*x. Everything in human body when left it regain its vitality. Now lets go practical, have everbeen play football for long time and quite about a year and after a year you get back to it. What do you notice? You whole body will definitely be in pains right? When you abstain from s*x for about 4-12months every o f sexual organs will be very active and vibrant. Abstain from s*x and eat more a fruits and vegetable.

Wow! I nearly derailed this post. Lets get back to how to strengthen the semen with pure natural honey.

To use honey and strengthen, take regularly two tablespoons of honey before getting to sleep.

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