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Types of Law

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PostChimex Mon 21 Apr 2014, 1:13 am

Types of Law

There are several types of law but the below are going to be discussed.

1. Criminal Law
2. Civil Law
3. Public Law
4. Private Law

Criminal Law
A body of law or rules that visits unpleasant consequences on those who violates the rule of group existence. Some of the penalty included under criminal law is murder, Arson, Armed Robbery.

Civil Law
Is a body of rules that regulates relations between individuals or between individual and the state without necessarily imposing criminal sanctions. Example if a woman or a wife of a man went to court alleging that her husband denies her of her conjugal rights such is handled by civil law.

Public Law: it is a collection of law that deals with collective public good for the interest of the generality of the public. Usually, the cases in this aspect of law concerns individuals and public institutes.

Types of Public Law
1. Criminal Law
2. Administrative law
3. Constitutional law

Private Law: this law regulates the conduct of individuals e.g. include law of tort, intellectual, property law.

Business Law
This regulates the way a manner of doing business e.g. law of contract, insurance, petroleum and company law. Other includes aviation and Maritime law.

Equality Law
This is the body of rules and principles developed by the chancery court England before 1875.

Common law
This is the law that was operating in England by the king’s court and is mainly responsible for such aspect of law as contract and tort.

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