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PostBarcaman Thu 24 Apr 2014, 6:04 pm


1. Nature Worshippers: By nature worshippers we mean people who believe in all the natural manifestation etc. the nature worshipers believe in something like wind, moon, stars, stones of all this natural things has contribution to human lives.

2. Animism: These is a belief in ghost, souls or spirit to animal and person e.g. our ancestor worships.

3. Totemism: Is a special religious system in which each family group or clan has a certain animal as a symbol of worship. It is around this, that an elaboral worship is developed (ATR) African Traditional Religion.

4. Monotheism: Is a belief in one supreme God. The god is not man like other gods he lives in the sky away from man but has a lot of interest on man. E.g. of monotheistic religion is Christianity.

5. Polytheism: Means belief in more than one duty, here each god is expected to perform special duty and has a particular ranking among gods e.g. Buddhism.

6. Fetishism: Is a belief in the magic use and variation of certain object which are believed to have power or to possess a deviling spirit e.g. Hinduism.

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