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How to stop Chicken from getting dry when cooking it

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State : PH
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Posts : 24 Posts Liked : 16

PostMissWorld Sat 22 Feb 2014, 10:26 pm

When cooking a chicken, it is best and advicable to defrost the chicken before you cook it.

Reduce the heat. When heat is too high, it will cause the meat to become dry and tough.
Just medium heat is advisable.
Use the extender ring if you have any, and experimenting will
provide the best result on how to cook chopped chicken in your oven.
Lv1: New Member
Lv1: New Member
State : PH
My Club My Club : Liverpool
Posts : 24 Posts Liked : 16

PostMissWorld Sat 22 Feb 2014, 10:45 pm

How i prepared my frozen chicken.

I followed the oven instructions which said to wrap loosely in foil and cook for 25 minutes at 190C. I didn't add liquid as there is enough
moisture in the frozen chicken. I placed it on a baking tray on the top rack with the extender in place. I checked it after 20
minutes and it was piping hot, I then tossed it with some soy
sauce and spices in some stir fry veg in a wok and served with rice.
It was moist and absolutely
delicious - I hope this helps you.

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