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I am back, now with full force

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Time Online : 4h 8m 25s
State : Ph
My Club My Club : Tottenham Hotspurs
Posts : 153 Posts Liked : 109
Awards :

PostWebtech Wed 07 May 2014, 9:47 pm

Hi All!

I know my pals and followers must have missed me like Heaven. Now, am back with full force.

I decided to heed to Paradise's instruction do little back link building. That was why i havent been online for days.

I am glad the site is growing with contest and quality fresh contents.

But, miss coming to Paradise Ng Forum daily because there will be celebrity gists, politics gists, football gists etc. Don't miss coming here daily. wink
Gender Gender : Male
Time Online : 50d 3h 17m 1s
State : Enugu
My Club My Club : Real Madrid
Posts : 533 Posts Liked : 140
Awards :

PostDeswimmer Thu 08 May 2014, 4:25 pm

I welcome you back my dear friend. Your Hand work. You did a very nice job

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