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Make money online

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Lv0: Stranger
Lv0: Stranger
Posts : 1 Posts Liked : 0

PostBobblue Wed 02 Jul 2014, 3:21 am

With a sale of TweetBoss Pro for $97.00, you will receive $48.50 commission at 50%. With a sale of TweetBoss Standard for $47.00, you will receive $23.50.
Important: We are looking for serious affiliates only. Do not sign up if your intentions are to get a discount by using your own link, sharing with a friend, or associate for a discounted rate. We used to be affiliates ourselves and know all the tricks and these types of self-discount commissions will be removed. In other words, if your first sale comes from your first hit, then you have no further hits these will be removed. This is an affiliate program, not a discount program. If this is your intention, please stop here. Google TweetBoss and try it today!!!

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