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How to correct quick battery discharge after full charging

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PostParadise Mon 24 Feb 2014, 11:55 am

How to correct quick battery discharge after full charging

Some batteries after charged, will start showing battery low after some minutes. This problem is mainly occurred in Chain and weak battery. It is caused by hot alkassem content of the battery. If your battery is having this kind of problem, look at what to do stop it.
Note: This format is only applicable to BC-9CA batteries.


1. Bring out the battery from your phone after fully charged

2. Clean the head with methylated spirit

3. Fold it in a polythene bag so that water will not penetrate it

4. Put it in a freezer at 75 degree centigrade for 48hour (2 days)

5. Bring it out from the freezer and clean with cloth

6. Put it back into your phone and charge again for 6 hours, the problem will stop immediately.

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