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How to monitor or tap another person’s call with your phone

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PostParadise Mon 24 Feb 2014, 11:58 am

How to monitor or tap another person’s call with your phone

We are now in a global world whereby nothing is hidden. Some people will leave their work, office, market, school following their husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend around, all in the name of monitoring him or her without knowing he or she is wasting his or her time.
There is something you can press on his her phone whenever somebody calls them, your phone will ring automatically and you start hearing their conversation.


Pick the phone of the person you want to monitor, press **21*174 and your own phone number, then press # and send it
Press **61*174 (your phone number) # and send it
Or Press **61*174(your phone number) # and send it.

How It Works
Immediately you send it, anytime somebody calls him or her, the person’s phone and your own phone will be ringing at the same time. If he or she picks it, your phone will automatically pick by itself and you will be hearing their conversation. It is only applicable to U.T.V monitor phones and also requires credit in both phones before activation

WARNING: It is illegal to monitor somebody without his or her consent. Make sure you seek his or her consent before activation.

To learn how to cancel monitor somebody with your phone visit
How to cancel monitoring somebody with your Phone

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