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SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture)

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PostDeswimmer Tue 09 May 2017, 9:03 am

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) 5277922_messi6_jpegf3069212c0c6f3a1d3af2cbfa7295774
An Iranian student, Reza Parastesh, had to be taken to a police station at the weekend because he looks too much like Lionel Messi. This happened after so many people came out to take pictures with him that it almost disrupted public order prompting the Police to wade in. The resemblance is so striking that Eurosport UK was reported to have used his picture instead of that of the Barcelona star in one of their reports.

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) 5277923_messi1_jpegdf80ad47d4ee9d58653afe00b650e93a

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) Messi-2

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) Messi-3

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) Messi-4

SHARE Lionel Messi Lookalike Almost Jailed For Disrupting Public Order (Picture) Messi-5

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