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How to Design a Balance Diet

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Lv3: Senior Member
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PostGunshot Sun 09 Mar 2014, 11:51 pm

How to Design a Balance Diet

The common and the most accepted design is the four-food groups plan used in the United States.

This plan consists of four basic categories of food to be included in our daily diet or menu and they are:

1. The fruit and vegetable group these are foods which are reliable source of fiber, vitamin C, Vitamin A and folic acid. Example are; apple, orange, carrot, tomato, lettuce, cabbage, green, pumpkin etc
2. The whole grain breads and cereals group. There are high in B vitamins, iron and other trace of mineral and fiber. Examples are cooked oat meal, brown rice, whole wheat noodles, wheat berries, barley or millet, hamburger bun etc.
3. The low fat milk group. They are good source of calcium, protein, and vitamin B2. Examples are: non-fat or low fat milk, non-fat or low fat yogurt, low fat cheese or low fat cottage cheese.
4. The lean meat legume group: They are good sources of iron, protein zinc, B vitamins and prosperous. The lean meat, chicken or fish and kidney beans, black beans, soyabeans, peanut and egg.

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