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David Mark Hails the President Jonathan for Signing the Anti-Gay Law

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PostDeswimmer Mon 10 Mar 2014, 2:35 pm

David Mark, The President of the Senate, showed gratitude to the President, Goodluck Jonathan on the courage he had summoned to sign the Same sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill 2013 into law even as the leaders of some of the most powerful nations on earth pressure are mountain pressures on him.

David Mark Hails the President Jonathan for Signing the Anti-Gay Law Jonath11

He (Mark) said as he some point feared that President Jonathan may begin to develop cold feet and refuse to sign the bill into law after both chambers of the National Assembly had passed it and the only thing remaining was presidential assent.

David Mark, the President of the Senate said, “I must commend Mr. President for the courage he exhibited because I am aware that at one point, he was under serious and tremendous pressure not to sign that bill into law by some of the most powerful nations on the earth. But he demonstrated courage and patriotism, we must thank him”.


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