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New Way to Make Women Reach Orgasm with a Machine

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Time Online : 50d 3h 17m 1s
State : Enugu
My Club My Club : Real Madrid
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PostDeswimmer Mon 10 Mar 2014, 3:18 pm

New Way to Make Women Reach Orgasm with a Machine O10

The machine is smaller than a packet of cigarettes and would connect to a signal generator. The machine is designed to be a medically implanted. It is required to use electrodes to trigger an orgasm in the body system.

It has a small remote control is to send a signal to the implant. It could be used by an individual. The Implant will stimulate nerves with electrical pulses to trigger an orgasm.

Contacts would have to be surgically inserted into certain nerves in the spinal cord. A signal generator would also have to be fitted under a patient's skin - possibly in their buttocks.

This implant is to help render treatment to women with orgasmic dysfunction. A patient would remain conscious during an operation to fit the implant, where a surgeon will pinpoint the correct nerves to which to fit the electrodes in a patient's spinal cord.
Gender Gender : Male
Time Online : 50d 3h 17m 1s
State : Enugu
My Club My Club : Real Madrid
Posts : 533 Posts Liked : 140
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PostDeswimmer Mon 10 Mar 2014, 3:31 pm

New Way to Make Women Reach Orgasm with a Machine Orgasm10

New Way to Make Women Reach Orgasm with a Machine Articl10

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