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See What A Man's Wife Did After A Girl Sent Her Husband A Birthday Messages On Facebook

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PostVivian Sun 17 Mar 2019, 5:29 am

So a lady wished her male Facebook friend happy birthday on his Facebook wall, the man's wife stroll into the lady's inbox to warn the lady to delete the comment and not to call her husband dear again...

Women who do una this kind thing.?

See why we are telling you people to give your self an identity and build your self-esteem.!
This is a show of low self-esteem and insecurity at its peak.!! Without an atom of trust on your "dear husband".

I just pity some men living with these delusional women in the name of a wife.
Hell in this hell of a country we are in already is what they are in.

see the reason why i said the other day that i want to withdraw from this adulthood thing. ..
I don't want to do again.

As an adult, if you say I love you to the opposite s*x person, people s*x-linked it.
Your every step is to be judged and misunderstood.its hard been an adult.

Some of them want to drag us all to their level of insecurity, bitterness and low self-esteem

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