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I Rather Wed with My Pregnancy Than Abort it

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PostIgboistReporter Tue 19 Mar 2019, 9:03 pm


I rather wed with my pregnancy showing clearly on my wedding dress and allow the pastor, priest, congregation to talk whatever they want, than to abort the pregnancy and appear righteous in front of my pastor, priest, congregation etc, so that I will be among those that keep the church rule not even the bible rule.
Ladies stop aborting pregnancy because you don't want to wear your wedding gown with your belle swollen up simple because you wanna keep the church rule.
An Anglican priest was warning his congregation about abortion , according to him, he was praying for this woman concerning the fruit of the womb , God revealed a secret to him, he asked this Lady and she started crying, she revealed that she aborted her pregnancy when she wanted to wed because her dioceses doesn't wed pregnant Lady, therefore inorder to do her church marriage successful without tongue wagging, she aborted.
God will give you double punishment for aborting that pregnancy in order to appear as a saint in front of your pastor
Please if your diocese or you pastor doesn't wed pregnant women, go and give birth in peace, return and your wedding.
Let people talk, they will only talk, no one will beat you .

If you have had this incidence please share.

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PostTreachx Fri 22 Mar 2019, 5:47 pm

Great piece of write up. Umu nwaanyi di ala anyi n'umu nwoke achozi go na-eme ihe na usoro n'usoro.

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