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The Main Reason Why Igbos In Nigeria Support Israel

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PostParadise Sun 23 May 2021, 12:10 am

The Main Reason Why Igbos In Nigeria Support Israel 18708810

Many will be wondering why the Igbos in Nigeria are supporting Israel. Here is Goes....

During the Biafran war in 1968, the federal troops cordoned off Biafra land which caused a big food shortage. The civilian population started starving to death, massively.

Israeli volunteer pilots would load food and medicines, then fly them into Biafra land at night!
There were no airports, so the Biafrans would clear a forest to form a mini runway and light it up with candles, the Israeli pilots will then attempt the impossible night landing just to drop food and drugs.

If the candles are too bright, the federal troops will spot it, ambush the pilot and shoot him down. If they are too faint, the pilot won't be able to see it from the skies.
If the pilots came during the day, Egyptian pilots hired by the federal troops will usually chase them and shoot them down while in Biafran airspace.

One of those pilots was a man called Abi
Nathan, a former Israeli Air Force pilot and later peace activist, while another bore the name Arnon Barak.

If you are wondering why some Biafrans today support Israel in...everything! It's not necessarily about religion, it is because they came to their aid when they had nothing to gain from it. Sometimes, when such planes landed at night, Biafran nursing mothers will run to the plane, toss their toddler into the cockpit, and run away into the darkness. They wanted the pilot to adopt the baby so that the baby will survive since they too may probably die.

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