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Pure Honey

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PostParadise Fri 04 Apr 2014, 11:23 pm

Naturally, honey is sweet and rich in protein and also contains many vitamins and mineral. The special Royal Jelly, which the bees produce for the queen is rich in micronutrient and also has powerful anti-bacterial properties. Genuine honey will contain pollen grains, which can be detected under microscope. As nature’s gifted to mankind, honey is seen as a pleasant food. It has acquired special reputation both as medicine and as a nutritious food. Its quality depends on the prevailing flower blossom.

Composition Of Honey
The composition of honey varies from place to place, depending on the method of extraction and the nectar where it was gotten.
Honey contains around
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]15% of water
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]60% of sugar
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]10% of glucose
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]10% of fructose
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]0.5-3% of sucrose
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]4% of maltose

The nutrients value of honey is thus (more or less):
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Protein 0.3gm
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Fat 0
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Mineral 0.2mg
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Carbohydrates 79.5mg
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Energy 319kcal
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Calcium 5mgs
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Phosphorous 16mgs
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Iron 0.69mgs

Vitamins Composition of Honey
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin A
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Nicotinic acid (niacin)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin D
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Vitamin H (Biotin)
Minerals Composition of Honey
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Calcium
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Chlorine
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Copper
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Iodine
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Iron
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Magnesium
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Phosphorous
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Potassium
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Sodium
·[size=9.090909004211426]         [/size]Zinc

How so Store Your Honey:
Honey is stored in a covered container in dry place at room temperature. If it is exposed to the air, it tends to lose its flavour and absorb moisture. Honey tend to become darker and stronger when kept for a long time but still usable. It may also crystalize if kept at too cool a temperature. However, this does not affect the quality of the honey. Sometimes, a white layer will form on top of the honey as tiny air bubbles are squeezed on its surface. Pure natural honey rarely gets spoiled. To remedy crystallized in honey in honey, place the container in warm water until the crystals disappear.

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