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Akpos in an Interview

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PostDeyongs Fri 25 Apr 2014, 11:52 pm

"Akpos The Comedian

Akpors and johnny went for an interview for employment. johnny was the first to enter the interviewing office (the manager asking johnny questions).

Manager: who was the first millitary head of state in Nigeria???..

Johnny: General Aguyi Ironsi..

Manager: when was the North and southern protectorate in Nigeria Almagamated???

Johnny: 1914.. Manager: Dat is gud of you..

Question no 3, is it true that the cure for hiv/aids is discovered???..

Johnny: eehm.. yes but not scientifically proven...

Manager: good way of answering questions, pls can you wait for us outside and we will attend to
you later... (when johnny went
outside akpors asked him)..

Akpors: johnny, what are the questions and please
tell me the answers??.. (as johnny was about to tell akpors the questions and answer, the manager shouted from inside `NEXT'..

(Akpors then said to Johnny)..

Akpors: Ok tell me only the answers..

Johnny: answer to number 1 is: General Aguyi Ironsi, number 2 is=1914, number 3 is=yes but
not scientifically proven

(mumu Akpors got to
d interview, after exchanging
greetings, d manager told him to sit down)

Manager: Please sir, What is ur

Akpors : General Aguyi Ironsi
(manager became confused)

Manager: Please what year where you born?

Akpors: 1914

Manager: (angrily, he shouted at
Akpors)!! Are u mad?!!!

Akpors: Yes, but not scientifically

Let crack the jokes dey.
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PostQueen Sat 26 Apr 2014, 6:28 pm

Deyongs, u funny oooo
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PostBarcaman Sun 27 Apr 2014, 11:37 pm

Oh boy... Even sef. Akpos no knw d diferrent btw what is of the first millitary head of state in Nigeria and What is your name? :amusing: :very bad: 
Lv3: Senior Member
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Time Online : 46m 24s
State : Nigeria
My Club My Club : Barcelona
Posts : 175 Posts Liked : 93

PostBarcaman Sun 27 Apr 2014, 11:42 pm

Oh boy... Even sef. Akpos no knw d diferrent btw what is of the first millitary head of state in Nigeria and What is your name? :amusing: :very bad: 
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