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How Confession Started In Catholic Church

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PostParadise Sun 23 May 2021, 1:31 am

How Confession Started In Catholic Church  18402310

Confession in the catholic church was started some 1,000 years ago when the Catholic church was the government of many countries and the Pope controlled the largest armies in the world. Catholic Popes had personally led many wars, killed millions of people and exterminated entire cities and countries of people.
They called such wars Crusades, holy wars.
To rule the conquered, they had to employ many tricks, one of which is that of espionage. They encouraged everyone in each city to tell the priests their secrets every week in the name of confession, only then can God forgive the sins.
With all that information flowing in weekly, it isn't hard to tell when a revolt is about to start and who is in charge.
They also know who is dating who, when and where. With that, they can track down each person they want to eliminate.
After a person confesses all his 'sins' to the priest, to justify the need for the confession, the priest then has to give the confessor a penance. Basically, certain prayers to repeat over time as a punishment for committing those sins.
After which the priest assumes the position of God and declares that he has forgiven the sinner of all confessed sins. That simply means that the priest is the God of the confessor.
Today in Africa, we mindlessly practice this.

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