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Breadfruit and its Health Benefits

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PostNiceDoctor Fri 04 Apr 2014, 9:14 pm

Breadfruit and its Health Benefits

Breadfruit and its Health Benefits Bredfr10

Breadfruit has immense vitamins and minerals, which makes it an excellent food. Nutrition and healthy calories can be derived from the consumption of breadfruit.
It serves as a special delicacy amongst the Ibos in the south eastern part of Nigeria, where it can be boiled and eaten with stew or pottage. It can be roasted and taken and taken with palm kernel or coconut.

The Health Benefits of Breadfruit
Fractures and Sprains

The latex is massaged into the skin to treat broken bones and sprains.

Breadfruit Helps to relieve Sciatica
The latex of breadfruit plant is bandaged to the spine to relieve sciatica.

How to use Breadfruit and Treat Skin Conditions
Crushed leaves of breadfruit are used in the treatment of fungal infected skin like thrush, ringworm, e.t.c.

How To Uses Breadfruit to reduce Hypertension and arrest Asthmatic attack
A cup tea brewed with the yellowing leaves taken once a day reduces blood pressure and arrests asthmatic attack.

How To Uses Breadfruit to treat constipation
Breadfruit root is astringent and a decoction of the mashed root is used in treating constipation.

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