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9 healthy dietary habits and proper food selections

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Lv3: Senior Member
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PostGunshot Sun 09 Mar 2014, 11:46 pm

9 healthy dietary habits and proper food selections
1. Improve resistance to colds and infections
2. Reduce the risk for developing acute or chronic disease.
3. Increase resistance to stress and stress related.
4. Maintain a feeling of “well-being”.
5. Help in the prevention of premature aging
6. Help in the maintenance of a healthy appearance.
7. Improve the outcome of pregnancy and the health and well-being of the infants.
8. It helps in the regulation of a stable emotional and social life and finally.
9. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in a long and healthy life.

How To Choose your Daily Diet
1. Base the day’s food intake in the modified four food GROUP plane
2. Limit the fat on the diet to not more than 30% of total calories and cholesterol to 300mg/day or less
3. Increase the fiber in the diet; limit processed refined or commercial convenience foods that are often high in fat, sugar, salt, cholesterol or highly processed ingredient.
4. Choose a variety of wholesome, nutrients foods every day.
5. Be moderate in food selection, portion size.

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