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Lv3: Senior Member
Lv3: Senior Member
Time Online : 1h 52m 24s
My Club My Club : Manchester United
Posts : 108 Posts Liked : 42

PostZenith Sat 15 Mar 2014, 3:27 am

Gift Chioma Emeka = G.C.E

David Victor Denis = DVD

Hope Innocent Vincent = HIV

Love Grateful Ada = LGA

Nathan Tim Aboh = NTA

Amanda Ino Daniel Sera = AIDS

Nwankwo Elochi Peter Agnes= NEPA

Veronica Ifeoma Peter = VIP

Rapuruchuku Iheanyi Paul = RIP

Benjamin Bony Maduako = BBM

Mukaila Tunde Nurudeen = MTN

Deborah Sarah Tiffany Veronica = (DSTV)

Bode Raji Tafa = (BRT)

Nike Emmanuela Cosmas Orlando (NECO)

Waziri Ahmed Ebenezer Concordis (WAEC)

Jamiu Alaba Mailaka Bakare (JAMB)

Usman Maduka Emmanuel (UME)

Oya add your own join

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