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How to preserve fresh tomatoes up to six months

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PostIgboistReporter Tue 18 Sep 2018, 10:40 pm

I thought I should share these tips on fresh Tomato preservation.
Last one I prepared lasted for 6months
There was no change in texture and taste.
First, I blended the tomatoes with tatashe (optional).
Next , I put it in a bag (pillowcase texture and placed a mortar on top ( for pressure) so the water can drain faster
After this stage, I transferred to the pot and allowed to cook . When there was no more water left, i bottled them up in an airtight container.
Here's the trick, when I was done bottling them, I heat them up in boiling water then put in the kitchen cabinet.
The 7 bottles of tomatoes was made from half basket of tomatoes !
Tomato is in season now
Let's make good use of it!

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