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Peptic Ulcer and Its Herbal Treatment

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PostNDoc Sat 05 Apr 2014, 11:51 pm

Peptic Ulcer and Its Herbal Treatment

What is Peptic Ulcer?
Peptic ulcer is a corroded area in the lining of the stomach or in the duodenum

Causes of Peptic Ulcer
Peptic ulcer is caused in the body due to excess production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin that is present in the digestive juices of the stomach which result to the corrosion of part of the duodenum. This corrosion that occurred in the stomach is referred to as peptic ulcer but it is called duodenal when it occurs in the duodenum.

Things that causes excessive production of acid in the body system are
1. Shock
2. Worry
3. Stress
4. Irregular eating
5. Over-dose of some certain drugs

Symptoms of Peptic Ulcer
1. Nausea
2. Pains in the abdomen
3. Abdominal pains every three hours after eating
4. Feeling of pains and uncomfortable when beans or Coca-Cola is taken
5. Chest pain

Prevention of Peptic Ulcer
1. Avoid fried foods, coffee, excessive cold drinks and alcohol
2. Always build and maintain happy habits.
3. Be positively minded. Optimistic is the key to a healthy living
4. Keep way from eating irregularly
It has been discovered that people who form the habit of irregular eating are likely to have a peptic ulcer. Avoid eating by 8.30am today, 7.00am tomorrow and 9.00am the next.

Herbal Treatment for Peptic Ulcer Method 1

Get four matured leaves of Aloe Vera plant, one bottle of water and one bottle of honey

One bottle of the honey should be mixed with one bottle of water after which it is used to blend four leaves of Aloe Vera.

Take three dessertspoon 3x per day

Herbal Treatment for Peptic Ulcer Method 2

Get half-ripe plantain peels and half-ripe banana peels.

Dry both peel of plantain and banana peels after which you grind into powder. Then, mix one teaspoon of the powder with a little honey and lick.

Take two tablespoon 2x per day.

Herbal Treatment for Peptic Ulcer Method 3
Get two unripe pawpaw fruits, eight bottles of water and a bottle of honey

Cut the two unripe pawpaw fruits into pieces, with their skin and sock all of it in the eight bottles of water for five days. Carefully sieve out the pawpaw cubes after which the one bottle of honey is added into the pawpaw extract.

Take one glassful 2x per day for 10 days.

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