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Funny Akpors and his dreaming girlfriend.

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Lv3: Senior Member
Lv3: Senior Member
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Posts : 109 Posts Liked : 28

PostDeyongs Sat 26 Apr 2014, 12:16 am

Funny Akpors and his dreaming girlfriend.

GIRLFRIEND : (Low Voice) Sweety, Last night I had a dream about you.

AKPORS: (excited) Oooh, Tell me Something Honey...

GIRLFRIEND: I dreamt We were traveling in a bus, Suddenly the bus lost control and fell in the river. Everyone swam to save their life, but you were still swimming and searching for someone.

AKPORS: (with luv): Oh, Definitely, i was searching for You.. Right?"

GIRLFRIEND: (Frown) NO, You were shouting, Driver! Driver!! Conductor! Conductor!!, Please, Give me My Change before You die.."

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