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Akpos and Emeka after an English Exam

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Lv3: Senior Member
Lv3: Senior Member
My Club My Club : Juventus
Posts : 109 Posts Liked : 28

PostDeyongs Sat 26 Apr 2014, 12:48 am

Akpos and Emeka after an English exam.

Emeka : How was your paper ?

Akpos : men! It was kind of hard; I didn't know the past tense of 'think'. I thought & thought and thought for a long time then
finally, i wrote 'thunk'

Emeka : I guess you're right because I wrote thunk after I thought 4 a while too....

Akpos : sh*t! And what about the past tense of 'write' ?

Emeka : I don’t know what I wrote; I think I wrote 'written'

Akpos : That one I didn't even bother. When I saw the next number asking for the past tense of 'go', I just went out of the Exam

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